I hear the sun when I whisper your name
Its illuminating kisses draped over this planetary mass
Its droplets dibbled over dainty grass near white picket fences
Drifting along solar winds in convalescence of a departed storm
The searing sun bred gentle rivers when it came into being
Vivacious flows of emotions sailing through kneaded soil
When existence seeped into clay all those years ago
I remembered that creation came in pairs of two
At sunset, the oceanic sun softly embraces the forlorn shore
In the shadows, cheek against cheek, nothing felt more tender
For once, the haughty stars in the night sky gazed longingly at us
Their meager, incandescent light cannot compare to infinity
Lana once said, heaven is a place on Earth with you
But heaven is an idea, whereas my eternity resides within you
If I could close my eyes tonight and wake up tomorrow
Over heaven, I’d choose to wake up next to you

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